Questions to ponder upon throughout the reading of the text.
1. Discuss Alice’s treatment by the different characters she encounters in the books. Why do you think they act they way they do, and what does their behaviour say about Alice?
Different characters act differently to Alice. They act like that because their own characteristic. Their behaviour to Alice say that she must try to adapt to new world to survive in another world. We can say the new world is the adulthood. Some people do not know how to live in the mean world. So, we must try harder to adapt to new world.
2. What is the significance of Alice’s fluctuations in size and shape in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?
The fluctuations in size and shape show that sometimes we need to get older to do certain things. But sometimes we need to get younger. For instance, for the workers. Maybe sometimes they want to be a child, just relaxing and eating, without worrying the problems.
3. Throughout the story, there are occasional oblique references to death. What purpose do these references serve in the stories, and why might Carroll include them?
Alice frequently makes references to her own death without knowing it. Childhood is a state of peril in Carrol's view: children are quite vulnerable , and the world presents many dangers. Another aspect of death is its inevitability. Since the Alice books are at root about change (the transition from childhood to adulthood, the passage of time), mortality is inescapable as a theme. Death is the final step of this process of growth.
4. What role does the garden play in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?
The most beautiful garden imaginable. Alice sees this garden, with bright flowers and fountains, through the tiny door soon after she arrives in Wonderland. She longs to get out into the garden, but she is unable to do so until after she leaves the Mad Tea Party. The garden is part of the realm of the King and Queen of Hearts.
5. Discuss the significance of the Queen of Hearts in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Nasty, brutal, and loud, the Queen delights in ordering executions, although everyone seems to get pardoned in the end. The people of Wonderland are terrified of her. Although Alice initially thinks she is silly, she grows frightened of her. In the end, however, a giant-size Alice is able to stand up to the Queen's temper and her threats.
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