The advertisements above were put up to promote movie-viewing by a group of cinemas.
1. What is the underlying message of the advertisements to encourage more people to go to the cinema to watch movies?
The movie is one of the fantasy worlds and totally different from real life. We can expect anything unusual to happen in movies.
2.How is the idea of fantasy as seen in the romantic movie "Titanic" and the idealized version of whales in the movie " Free Willy" contrasted with the slogan "reality sucks" of the print advertisements?
The advertisements show what can be happen actually in real life. The idea of fantasy like in "Titanic" and "Free Willy" is only the imagination of man.
3.What is the stereotypical image of wild animals in captivity and love cruises?
It means the killer whale will eat you and the tern will ruin your love cruise. Real life is completely different from fantasy.
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